KCSD Announces Graduation Schedule

News  |  Published May 20, 2024

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Kershaw County School District graduation ceremonies for Camden High, Lugoff-Elgin High and North Central High will be held on Friday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m. All ceremonies will be held in the school football stadiums. Schools will communicate with graduates and families regarding ticketing information. 

In case of rain on Friday evening, all three ceremonies will be moved to 9:30 am. on Saturday, May 25, with the hope of still holding the ceremonies outdoors in the stadiums. If rain persists on Saturday morning, Camden High and North Central High will move their ceremonies indoors at 9:30 a.m. However, because of construction projects that are taking place in the Lugoff-Elgin High School auditorium and gymnasium, Lugoff-Elgin High will plan to hold their ceremonies at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday evening if they are unable to hold their ceremony outdoors on Friday evening or Saturday morning.

All three ceremonies will be recorded by SCETV and will be made available at no charge at www.youtube.com/kcsdschools shortly after the programs. As a reminder, KCSD’s clear bag policy will be enforced, and OpenGate weapons detection devices will be used at all entrances.