Airport Community Outreach Meeting Planned

News  |  Published October 17, 2024

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Kershaw County Planning and Zoning will be conducting an Airport Overlay District (AOD) Community Outreach Meeting on Tuesday, October 29 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm at 2203 Airline Drive in Camden, SC 29020. The Airport Overlay District is a zoning designation to promote compatibility between aircraft operating in the vicinity of Woodward Field Airport and surrounding property by protecting and promoting the general health, safety, economy, and welfare of area residents, protecting the dual interests of navigational safety and airport operations, protecting property in the vicinity of the airport by regulating land uses to ensure they don’t obstruct airspace required for aircraft to take off and land, and by promoting the improvement and the utility of the airport and the public investment therein.

Property owners and the public will have the opportunity for a Q & A session after the formal presentation. For questions about this meeting, please contact Kershaw County Planning and Zoning at 803.425.7233.